If you would like to include photographs, line drawings, maps, charts, or other illustrations in your book, please let your acquiring editor know as early as possible. He or she will let you know the process for submitting illustrations and will ask you to send samples for our design and production manager to evaluate.
You must ensure that your images meet the following standards, or we will refuse to publish them.
Digital Art
What Not to Send
Quality Standards
It is critical that the files be of a high enough resolution and an appropriate size for good reproduction. For best results, we recommend that you have scans of prints, slides, or transparencies made by a graphic arts service bureau or by a library or archive that routinely provides electronic files for print reproduction. Electronic files must meet the following requirements:
For each image you supply, we must also have a printout of the electronic file.
Before submitting digital images, please
Art Created for the Book
If you are planning to create art (such as maps or charts) in electronic form for reproduction in your book, it is essential that you or the person who will be creating the art contact our design and production manager before beginning. We must receive a sample file in order to identify any problems early in the process. Please contact Karen Copp, 319-335-2014, [email protected], to discuss your illustrations.
Adobe Illustrator is our preferred software for charts and graphs. Using this program offers a much higher probability that we can reproduce your files in the book. If you are using another program, save your files as EPS to ensure that we will be able to use them, or provide an EPS version of the file in addition to the application version of the file. If your program does not give you the option to save as an Illustrator file or an EPS file, please indicate on the printout all save or export options available in the program you are using.
Before submitting created digital maps, charts, and other illustrations, please
For more detailed information about electronic art, refer to the Association of American University Presses' Digital Art Requirements for Submission.
Hard Copies
We always welcome photographic prints, slides, or transparencies. Label and package them carefully before sending them to us.
Where to Put Art when Submitting a Manuscript
No illustrations—whether photographs, maps, charts, graphs, or tables—should be embedded in the text. Each piece should be submitted as a separate file, named by your last name and figure number (including the chapter number where appropriate, e.g. 1.1, 2.1, and so on). Captions should likewise be listed in a separate document. Only figure callouts should appear in the text approximately where the figure should appear.